Sunday, May 30, 2010

Oakley Presents DISPATCH

Oakleys are taking customization to a new level with their sunglasses. Presenting DISPATCH with interchangeable square "O" icons, the frames come with two different sets and additional "O's" so you can change them to suit the look you want.

Instore now! Come grab your pair today

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hello Globe Cruisers

Mad Marteys welcomes Globe Cruisers !

They're high quality boards that offer a sweet ride for almost any style. The key features and benefits of these boards are that they're good quality decks and set ups, have a large range to choose from for all needs, and have a tail kick on longer boards. They are suited to rolling around bowly skate parks and cruising the streets in a surf/skate style

(From Top > Bottom, Left > Right)
Sun City - $199.95
Lithium - $229.95
Love The Beast - $229.95
Tunnel Vision - $249.95
Quinn C Jones - $229.95
Fairlane - $299.95
Twin Peaks - $249.95
Bandelero - $229.95

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Winter Warmers Fashion Parade

Thank you to everyone at our Winter Warmers Fashion Parade night; those who helped and especially those who came and made it a worth while night.

Photo Below : Our Reps! Photo Above: Mad Marteys Crew 2010

We had wonderful Reps who gave us FANTASTIC PRIZES!! Yummy nibbly's provided by Jen, and Karen who did an amazing job being our photographer. And who could forget our good lookin' models showcasing our winter wear. T'was such a fun night :) :)